Car Donation Tax Tips 2014

Donating a car can seem like a daunting task but here at Car Donation Wizard  we provide all of the necessary information that our donors need to know before they make that big decision. Firstly, knowledge is key. There are a lot of car donation programs out there...

Car Talk Legend Tom Magliozzi Dies at 77

We are sad to hear that much loved Car Talk radio personality Tom Magliozzi  passed away yesterday from complications of Alzheimer’s disease, he was 77 years old.Tom brought joy and humor to millions across the nation. Both Tom and Ray have provided their...

Trick or Treat! Celebrating Halloween in Style

Who said that work can’t be fun? Today we are having a blast celebrating Halloween. A lot of our employees got involved and are all vying for the top prize at this years costume party. Take a look and tell us who you think should win? Check out the cast...