Written by guest blogger: Sarah T., a recent Habitat for Humanity, Cars for Homes volunteer.

Charity, the practice of benevolent giving and caring

We are all changing the world we live in every day. Whether that’s for better or worse depends on our actions. Recently I was given the chance to do some good by contributing to other people in a meaningful way. I was part of a group that worked on building a home for a family in need through Habitat for Humanity.

One of the most valuable things you can give someone is your time. Did it matter that I didn’t know what a “blue board” was? Not in the least. I was there, and I was ready to give my time & energy into this project. That’s not to say that there weren’t a few bumps along the way.

As a cake decorator, I can honestly say I have never held a power tool in my hand before that day. When the screw just would not, and I mean would not, go into the wall, I exclaimed “Don’t you know I work in frosting, not power tools!” (In case you were wondering, the drill was on reverse) The professional construction worker supervising us was extremely patient & enormously helpful, leading us through the fog of first-time construction work.

We had an eventful day of dry walling the upstairs of the house. It was full of dust from the walls, measuring, drilling and a few scrapes along the way. But when we were finished, I looked around and instead of beams and emptiness, saw the beginning of rooms to a home. A new future for a family who really needed an act of charity from their neighbors.

I have hope that something good comes from such a simple thing as a house. It’s funny how helping others can make us feel. It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe; a sense of fulfillment, a happiness that you can’t get from anything else. It puts a smile on your face and lightness in your heart.

There’s something hardwired into all of us that makes us feel like a million bucks when we are kind and when we are giving, and my experience was no different.