Today’s vehicle story takes a look back at a historical vehicle and the forward-thinking charity it supported. Henry Ford’s Model T changed the world of cars in the 20th century. Keep reading to find out how one of these iconic vehicles supported DAV through the best car donation program out there.
The Ford Model T
The Ford Model T was the car that brought America into the 20th century, full steam. Before the Model T’s rise, the automobile was exclusively for the wealthy and was unattainable for the average person. Henry Ford wanted to democratize the automobile and worked to keep the cost low. In 1908, the car cost $850, and by 1925 it retailed for under $300.
The assembly line that Ford created sure saved a lot of time! Cars that used to take over 12 hours to create could be assembled in about 90 minutes! This meant cars became more affordable and available for working Americans, including Ford workers!

This antique car was lovingly and painstakingly restored by our generous donor, seen here with a toothbrush for the grill!
The Disabled American Veterans
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) has been serving veterans since 1920. They have a critical focus: “empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity.”
Nationwide, they have nearly 1,300 chapters and over 1 million members. DAV works to ensure veterans get the benefits and respect they deserve.
One important facet is providing free assistance so veterans can get their earned benefits and services. In 2017, DAV helped connect veterans and their families with over $4 billion in benefits. They advocate for disabled veterans and their families in the state, local and federal levels of government. Also, they help veterans help one another, through volunteer outreach.
Disabled American Veterans does amazing work — but they need your help.
The Best Car Donation Program: Car Donation Wizard
How do you turn a car into a charitable donation? That’s where Car Donation Wizard comes in. We run the best car donation program in the country, and promise the highest returns to your charity.
On average, between 75-80% of the gross proceeds from your car’s sale price go directly to your charity. That’s why Car Donation Wizard is the best car donation program out there.
To get started, simply visit our website or give us a call at 877-215-0227.
We’ll pick up your car in no time, regardless of condition or location. Support the charity you love with Car Donation Wizard!