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Starting a Vehicle Donation Program

Vehicle donation is one of the easiest ways for charities to help fund their nonprofit missions or to help with program expenses but it can also be a hornet’s nest to manage if not set up correctly.

 We receive a lot of phone calls from nonprofit organizations who want to learn about the vehicle donation process and how they can get involved.   In past posts we’ve talked about why your charity should have a car donation program and some of the options available to charities. So we decided to let all nonprofits know just how easy it is to set up a Vehicle Donation Program with Car Donation Wizard.

FAQ for Starting a Car Donation Program 


Should my charity start a car donation program?

Consider the landscape – car donation is a competitive market that generates millions of dollars for charities of every size. Done correctly car donation can be a terrific addition to your fundraising strategy, offering a reliable source of unrestricted revenue with very little effort. .  There are many options to starting your program.  You should carefully consider the difference in car donation partners.

Who is the best car donation partner?

There is a lot to consider when selecting a car donation partner, as a general rule you should consider the needs of your donors and your charity side by side.  Loyal brand donors want to know that their donation is going to make a difference.  Look for a partner that operates with high transparency, offers at least 70-80% of gross sales return, and will represent your brand with care.  Stay away from programs or partners that only promise a net percentage of return because they are usually hiding costs and overhead in these calculations.  These same programs are notorious for ignoring the needs of the donor with no program transparency.  Your partner should be easy to engage and provide a thorough accounting and visibility to your car donations.

How much time will I need to dedicate to managing a car program?

Some programs run completely hands free in the background, others continually grow and evolve to meet market opportunities. Car Donation wizard has a couple of service options and we can develop a program that fits your needs.  

How can my charity get car donations?

Plan marketing that fits your brand. Consider first your donor database and their likelihood to donate,  One in every 125 U.S. households is likely to donate a car this year.  Car donors give for a variety of reasons (link to graph) including just getting rid of a junk car.  Make sure you plan on introducing this service to your donor base and brand friends.

Car Donation Motivations

reasons why donors donate vehicles to charity

What are the most important steps to launching a car program?

First, select a partner that understands your needs, next attach the program to your website.  This will help you engage your existing donors but can also help you compete for donor attention in your brand or in your local area.  We have tools to make this step very easy.

Advanced Remarketing Services through Car Donation Wizard is partnered with national charities like; the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity International, U.S. Fund for UNICEF and March of Dimes just to name a few. Together we have raised over $100 million for our charity partners and Car Donation Wizard has returned  over 80% of the gross proceeds to our charity partners.

Setting up a vehicle donation program is easy. You can contact a representative from Car Donation Wizard and we will walk you through signing your charity up.  Vehicle donation has no upfront costs sor there is very little risk to get started.

 Contact Car Donation Wizard: 877.709.2277 or email