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International Day of the Girl 2017

International Day of the Girl 2017

International Day of the Girl is raising awareness for the struggles of girls around the world. As the car donation partner of UNICEF we support the campaign and join in raising awareness for the millions of girls around the world who deal with challenges before, during and after crises.

Today is October 11th which is also known as International Day of the Girl. Every 10 minutes worldwide an adolescent girl dies due to violence. In 2016, statistics show that 535 million children were living in parts of the world affected by epidemics, conflict and other natural disasters. In these areas girls are 2.5 times more likely to have to drop out of school than boys due to these issues. There are 1.1 billion girls worldwide and the millions that are in these affected areas are just as important as those fortunate enough to not be living in these emergency areas. Girl power is more than just a statement it is important for the world as a whole to show that girls everywhere deserve the same opportunities and safe environments that boys their age have.

UNICEF and partners have decided to make International Day of the Girl more than just a day and work all year to bring advocacy, communication, fundraising and public engagement to the girls that are in these conflicted areas. UNICEF’s theme for International Day of the Girl is, “EmPOWER girls.” EmPOWER girls will highlight the current actions of empowered girls in a range of geographical settings that represent the vast diversity of emergency contexts. These examples will include girls’ efforts to prevent violence against girls in emergencies and build resilient communities.” At the N.Y UNICEF headquarters today there are conferences being held on ending violence against girls, speaking out for girls, and a evening reception to finish off the day.

Advanced Remarketing Services is proud to run UNICEF’s car donation program. Every car that is donated to UNICEF typically generates over five hundred dollars for them. Since 2011 we have processed over 1,300 car donations in UNICEF’s name. We are honored to continually work to raise money for them so that they can help support girls worldwide to find their voices and ways to show their power and creativity.

If you are interested in donating your car to UNICEF you can visit their car donation page here.  For more information on International Day of the Girl you can visit UNICEF’s website.