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UNICEF’s Response to Earthquake Victims

Your car donation can support Earthquake Relief in Syria and Turkey. UNICEF is doing whatever it takes to deliver care and emergency supplies to children and families affected by the devastating earthquake.

Search for bodies and rescue works of potential survivors, including children and adults, took place amid the rubble of a collapsed building in Al Masharqa neighbourhood in Aleppo city, north Syria, on 7 February 2023. Passers-by and people in the area came to support the rescue efforts and offer help in tandem with scores of displaced families’ attempts to return to their homes after having escaped a destructive earthquake. A few hours after midnight on 6 February, children, and families in parts of Syria’s governorates of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama fled their homes for safety after an initial 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit southeast Türkiye and Syria. The timing could not have been worse with a devastating initial earthquake -followed by another during the day- hitting during the winter, when sub-zero temperatures are not uncommon. UNICEF teams in Syria are currently on the ground assessing the impact of the situation and gearing up to distribute lifesaving assistance to displaced people. Children in Syria continue to face one of the most complex humanitarian situations in the world. A worsening economic crisis, continued localized hostilities after more than a decade of grinding conflict, mass displacement and devastated public infrastructure have left two-thirds of the population in need of assistance. Food insecurity, reliance on unreliable and alternative water sources protection concerns, high levels of school dropouts are acute.Waterborne diseases pose another deadly threat to children and families affected. In Syria, a cholera outbreak declared on 10 September 2022 quickly spread across the country, with children especially vulnerable.

Photo Credit: ©UNICEF/UN0779023/Sanadiki

On February 6, 2023, two major earthquakes struck in Turkey and Syria that caused significant damage and casualties. The earthquakes, which were among the worst to hit the region in nearly a century. Produced landslides and structural collapse that left thousands of people homeless and in need of assistance. The disaster has caused over 35,000 deaths and has affected over 24 million people in the communities. UNICEF has made an immediate call to action plan regarding the disaster with hopes to help those in the affected areas retain some form of normalcy in these horrific times.

UNICEF’s Response to Help Earthquake Victims

Teams from UNICEF have worked on a response to help earthquake victims by collaborating with partners to provide essential supplies in both Syria and Turkey. This includes critical health supplies, blankets, clothing, safe drinking water and sanitation supplies. Although there is no simple way to recover from such tragedy. UNICEF continues to offer secure areas where kids can play and recover from the terrible tragedy they have experienced. Protecting unaccompanied children and reuniting them with their families who were torn apart after the crisis are other top priorities for UNICEF.


UNICEF USAThe United Nations Children’s Fund is one of the most widespread and recognizable social welfare organizations in the world. UNICEF works in over 190 countries around the world providing children in need with the support, services and education they need to succeed. Thousands of children around the world suffer each day from lack of nutrition, safe drinking water, and other necessities that people in the United States feel accustom too.


How You Can Help

The earthquakes in Syria and Turkey have impacted thousands of children and families. UNICEF has made it a priority to help those in need in Syria and Turkey. Car donation is a great way to support your favorite charity while helping victims in Turkey and Syria get through these horrific times. At least 80% of the gross proceeds from the sale of your vehicle will be donated to UNICEF USA. These funds will allow UNICEF to help children all around the world and specifically those children in Syria and Turkey. Help UNICEF USA achieve this mission by donating your car online or by calling us at (855) 487-3863!

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