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Happy America Recycles Day!

If you have two minutes a day to recycle you can help:

help keep american clean by recycling

The concept and origin of the three arrows of recycling can be traced back to April 1970 when the first Earth Day was observed and a contest was held. The contest was sponsored by the Container Corporation of America. It was announced to environmentally aware art students and they were asked to create a design symbolizing the paper recycling process.
The winning entry was to be used to identify products and packages made from recycled and recyclable fibers. This campaign was also designed to make the public aware that recycling paper was effective and additionally would conserve natural resources tremendously.

More Recycling Facts:

80% of our trash has the potential to be recycled. This adds up to 67 trash cans per person every year.

You can be part of the solution. Like all businesses, demand is the key factor to the success of recycling.  Until recyclables are returned to the marketplace and purchased in the form of new products, they haven’t been recycled. To recycle responsibly, buy products with a high percentage of post-consumer recycled content whenever possible.

Rethinking your purchases by precycling (precycling is what you do by choosing products carefully before you purchase):