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UNICEF USA: Children in Desperate Need of Water

As the fighting in Syria rages, many children have been cut off from a vital necessity: clean water.

The conflict has shut down treatment facilities, leaving millions with limited access to clean drinking water and basic hygiene. Diarrhea and other waterborne diseases are on the rise – and children are especially at risk.

UNICEF is helping those children through a large-scale water treatment operation that was kicked off in Syria last month. Trucks began transporting 264,000 gallons of chlorine to cities and communities across the country. In total, UNICEF plans to treat enough water to provide safe drinking water to 10 million people – nearly half the country’s population.

Help bring us closer to the day when ZERO children are deprived of clean water. Support the UNICEF USA Tap Project in March – World Water Month. And thank you, for all that you do.

>   Read about UNICEF’s latest clean water efforts in Syria, and how you can help

>   Donate a car to UNICEF USA