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Our Time at The Honda Fest 2016 Car Show

Honda Fest was on June 12th, 2016 and I was lucky enough to be able to go with Herb Chambers Honda of Seekonk. This is a family friendly event (this includes dogs). While there, I was able to hang out with some really cool people and dogs too, including: Honda Laura, Honda Pro Jason, and we can’t forget Honda The Frenchie.

Honda Laura is known for her vehicle reviews and comparison videos on YouTube.

Honda Pro Jason is known for his car reviews and car education videos on YouTube.

HondaTheFrenchie is known for being really cute on Instagram, I mean, who could resist that face? (see above)

There were so many amazing cars at this event. There was racing, food, cars, family/friends, and music. Is there really any better way to spend a beautiful Sunday?! There were older cars, newer cars and everything in between. Two of the older cars that really stood out to me were the Honda Acty truck and the older Honda Civic. There were also some cars that were completely stock and then some that were far from it. I highly suggest going to a Honda Fest at least once, even if you aren’t a huge Honda fan, you will still enjoy the whole scene. The people are all so friendly.

Have you ever gone to a car show? What is your favorite one?

Also, I just want to mention that we wanted to share this fun post with you all because we like to switch it up on occassion. Is this something that you enjoy seeing? Should we do more of these in the future? We typically write about Car Donations or Vehicle donations, so I figured it would be nice to change up our usual posts.

If you are interested in donating a vehicle, see our website at