June 14 is World Blood Donor Day, a global event intended to raise awareness for the need for safe blood and to thank blood donors for their life-saving gift.

How does being a blood donor help others?

  • Blood can help patients who suffer from life-threatening conditions live longer.
  • Blood supports complex surgical procedures.
  • Blood is vital for treating those who are injured during emergencies.
  • Blood plays a life-saving role in maternal and perinatal care.

Source:  World Health Organization

Most people can be blood donors. If you are between the ages of 18 and 65, weigh at least 110 pounds, and are in good health, you can donate! Click here to read the full eligibility guidelines for donating blood.

Rhode Island Blood Center

Car Donation Wizard is proud to partner with Rhode Island Blood Center to host blood drives throughout the year.

ARS Blood Donors
CDW Blood Donors 2019

The Rhode Island Blood Center was founded in 1979 and runs six blood donation centers across Rhode Island. For over 40 years, RIBC has been the main supplier of blood and blood products to patients in hospitals throughout the state. In addition to being a blood collection organization, RIBC also registers individuals for the National Marrow Donor Program and collects stem cells of donors who match those who need bone marrow transplants.

Consider giving the life-saving gift of blood on this World Blood Donor Day. Unable to give blood? Donating your vehicle is an easy way to support any organization. Car Donation Wizard will return 80% of the gross proceeds from the sale of your vehicle to our charity partners.

Celebrate World Blood Donor Day by donating your vehicle online or calling us at 877-957-2277.