There’s no time to lose. Prices for basic food like rice, maize, wheat, oil, sugar and salt are skyrocketing, forcing the world’s poorest children, including millions in the Horn of Africa, into severe malnourishment and starvation. UNICEF USA needs to raise $100,000 by October 18 to scale up nutrition programs in Somalia and around the world.

donate to UNICEF

Join hundreds of UNICEF supporters who will donate a car now to:

  • Fill the empty stomachs of starving children with ready-to-use therapeutic food. This tasty paste is a miracle for a starving child suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Made from peanuts, this therapeutic food can bring a child back from the brink with just a few mouthfuls.
  • Save them from death with micronutrient powder. A child who gets enough food to fill his belly could still face disability or even death if he doesn’t get micronutrients like iodine and iron. UNICEF micronutrient powder sprinkled into food gives a child the nutrients he needs to grow up healthy and strong.
  • Give them a brighter future with nutritional treatment and education centers. When a mother brings her malnourished child to a UNICEF-supported nutritional center for help, her child gets the immediate treatment he needs. But she also gets the chance to be educated on the early warning signs of malnutrition and what to do when she sees them.

Malnutrition is an underlying cause of more than 1/3 of all child deaths worldwide. This is a crisis that we can solve. Simple things – nutty paste, affordable vaccines, clean water – can pull a child back from the brink. But these simple solutions can’t happen without support from people like you.

Support UNICEF USA‘s global mission to give children the safe and happy childhoods they deserve by donating your car online.